Automate Everything With the Tools
You Already Have

DevOps platforms should help, not hurt and wholesale tool changes can hurt. A lot.

Enhance DevOps with Data Insights

Automate the entire release process using Jenkins or GitHub actions/workflow or Bitbucket pipelines.

Provide commit level visibility to your developers & productivity dashboards to the management teams.

Enhance DevOps with Data Insights
Automate workflows between tools

Automate workflows between tools

Organise maintain the use of multiple tools for islands of automation in you release process with ease.

Fully automate your release process and provide the end to end visibility to your developers & management teams, without opening the ports to expose the tools.

Establish Release Standards

Manage multiple applications which use multiple tools for the release process automation in one place.

Enforce a standard release process across all the apps without disrupting your team's workflow by asking them to change their tools.

Establish Release Standards
Modern CI/CD for Cloud Native Apps

Modern CI/CD for Cloud Native Apps

Enable modern CICD platform to automate the e2e release pipeline for your cloud native applications.

Establish Greenfield with the Support for multiple tools Gradle, Maven, ECS Deploy, K8S Deploy and much more.

Infrastructure as code (GitOps)

Manage infrastructure and application configurations using Git.

GitOps (Infra As Code) – Terraform script going through a pipeline.

Infrastructure as code (GitOps)